Emily Maitland

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I am an experienced psychodynamic psychotherapist in private practice and a longstanding member of the Climate Psychology Alliance.

My deep concern for the effects of human activity on our planet extends back many years to a time when I felt alone with my feelings and actions; now I gain solace from my involvement with various groups of like-minded people as well as through my immersion in nature.

In addition to being a Climate Aware Therapeutic Support Practitioner with the CPA, I am a trained Climate Café facilitator. I have also completed a Climate Aware Practitioner training delivered by Psychology for a Safe Climate.

In my private psychotherapy practice, I am increasingly exposed to clients’ anxiety about the climate and ecological crisis, and I feel well placed to be able to help with the distressing and complex feelings that come up.

Through the free therapeutic support offered by the CPA, I am happy to be able to give my time and experience to support people whose responses to the climate, ecological and biodiversity crises might feel especially acute or overwhelming.
Professional Qualification
Registering Organisation
Appointment Type
Online, in-person
Practice/Mobile Number

About Us

We are a diverse community of therapeutic practitioners, thinkers, researchers, artists and others. We believe that attending to the psychology and emotions of the climate and ecological crisis is at the heart of our work.


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