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Cindy Gale
For the past 15 years I’ve supported activists and people impacted by eco distress through the work of Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone. I’ve been a long time facilitator of the Work That Reconnects (aka Active Hope) having trained with Joanna Macy.
This work has supported activists from burnout for over 50 years and is now growing as a mainstream practice to support anyone concerned by the climate and nature crisis. It focusses on people’s inner responses, their emotions, thoughts, and somatic experiences. The aim is to not only help people build their inner resilience but to go beyond that to discovering new and creative possibilities for action through a process known as adversity activated development.
The work recognises that we are currently in the midst of The Great Turning from the Industrial Growth Society to a Life Sustaining Civilisation. It acknowledges the uncertainty and the unravelling that we are enduring along the way. It gives us tools and practices to resource ourselves and the communities we must build to support each and every one of us to help navigate The Great Turning.
There are three dimensions to help us on the journey of the Great Turning. Each person will be drawn to one or more of these areas at different times in their lives, they are:
• Holding actions - actions to slow the damage to Earth and all its beings
• New way - analysis of structural causes and the creation of new structural alternatives
• Shift in consciousness - a fundamental shift in world-view and values
I have been a psychotherapist for 20 years and for the past eight have specialised in working with highly sensitive people (HSPs).
I’m a white English woman and I’ve trained extensively in diversity and inclusion with a particular emphasis on anti-racism and what it means to be white.
I’m also a trustee of Heal Rewilding.
Please get in touch if any of my words speak to you.
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Online, phone, in-person