Doris Prugel-Bennett

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I have been a member of CPA since 2016/2017, participated in two trainings "Through the Door", attended an AGM and other gatherings. Recently I have attended the symposium, organised by Judith Anderson and attend CPA peer supervision for facilitators of Climate Cafes. In Southampton I am facilitating regular Climate Cafes and am active in climate crisis activities in Southampton and South Hampshire. I am actively working with the Greening Campaign Hampshire with the remit to setting up Climate Cafes and recruiting and possibly training facilitators and co-facilitators. I have been actively campaigning against Southampton Airport Expansion and am a known advocate for the climate and environmental emergency in connection with psycho-physical health in the area. Generally, I do my private studies of the topic.

I have offered three free sessions through the TS to four climate activists in the past.

I have been a climate activist (before the term existed) since the 1980s.
Professional Qualification
Registering Organisation
Appointment Type
In Person, Online, Phone
English, German, Danish
Practice/Mobile Number
07817 409192

About Us

We are a diverse community of therapeutic practitioners, thinkers, researchers, artists and others. We believe that attending to the psychology and emotions of the climate and ecological crisis is at the heart of our work.


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