
Free One-Year Membership for Students and Young People Aged 16-25

We have just launched our free one-year membership scheme for students and people aged 16-25. 

CPA is an alliance of people who are using psychology to help people cope with the climate and ecology crisis. There are various strands to CPA's work, but we are keen to increase representation from younger people with an interest in climate psychology. Not only are younger people be disproportionately impacted by the climate emergency, but we recognise that climate aware aspiring therapists and mental health practitioners will face challenges working towards careers in contexts that typically neglect the planetary emergencies we are living through.   

The one-year membership scheme is open for registration from 10th June to 16th June 2024.

You will get: 

  • Free membership of CPA up until June 16th 2025
  • Access to CPA's Mighty Networks platform to support networking with climate aware professionals and academics
  • Access to monthly meetings for CPA's young and pre-qualified members
  • Free or discounted attendance at CPA trainings, workshops and the annual CPA members' day
  • Opportunities to get involved in other strands of CPA's work, e.g. contributing to decolonising agendas; monthly 'thinking spaces' for developing climate psychology thinking; opportunities to publish
  • Right to vote in CPA matters, e.g. on Board membership
  • Opportunities to contribute to CPA Board meetings

How to sign up: 

  • Fill in our membership request form (climatepsychologyalliance.us8.list-manage.com)
  • Depending on your location, select the relevant "Join as a full member" option. You will then receive our welcoming instructions email
  • Choose the free one-year membership scheme for students & those 16-25 in the email
  • Complete signing up and wait for our confirmation email. 

Your membership will end on 16th June 2025. If you want to continue being a member after the one-year period, sign up again via our membership request form. 

About Us

We are a diverse community of therapeutic practitioners, thinkers, researchers, artists and others. We believe that attending to the psychology and emotions of the climate and ecological crisis is at the heart of our work.


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