
Eco-anxiety: an African perspective from Shelot Masithi

“I think eco-anxiety is an understatement for what I feel in terms of climate-related emotions. It’s a range of emotions that I fail to either name or describe.”

CPA member, Shelot Masithi, recently gave an interview to Brighton based arts charity, ONCA, about eco-anxiety.

The quote above highlights how difficult it can be to pin the term eco-anxiety down as it is often used to encompass a wide range of emotions - including anger, helplessness, sadness, grief, depression, numbness and others.

Shelot offers many insights as she shares how her feelings are shaped by her immediate experience of the climate crisis living in South Africa, particularly in relation to water shortages.

‘… as someone who grew up in the face of water cuts and shortages, I was tired of being ‘fine’ with not having water whilst giant corporations like Coca-Cola and Nestle continue having abundant access to water which they steal and then sell to the people.'

To read the full interview follow this link.

Shelot also spoke about the climate crisis and thirst in an issue of our Climate Crisis Digest which you can read here.

This was taken from her powerful and moving keynote speech at the CPA/APS conference, “Six months after COP26; what have we learnt?”

About Us

We are a diverse community of therapeutic practitioners, thinkers, researchers, artists and others. We believe that attending to the psychology and emotions of the climate and ecological crisis is at the heart of our work.


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