Climate Crisis Digest - February 2025 - Reflections on the Gaza Digest: Writing about Difficult Truths

This essay, written by a group of CPA members, is a response to the March 2024 Digest which explores the intersection of the Gaza crisis and climate change. The first part of the conversation can be accessed via the following link (


In March 2024, the CPA monthly Digest published a piece by Paul Hoggett, with the title What has Gaza got to do with the climate crisis?.  Because of the sensitivity of this topic - the depths of difference between two "sides" of an insoluble predicament and the re-traumatising violence that has been perpetrated by both Hamas and the Israeli Defence Force - a small advisory group to the Digest was involved in reading drafts and thinking together, along with the author and the editor. Read More





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We are a diverse community of therapeutic practitioners, thinkers, researchers, artists and others. We believe that attending to the psychology and emotions of the climate and ecological crisis is at the heart of our work.


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